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Watermelon Rat


If you wanted to know a lil' more about the website or myself, this is the right spot.

About Jaylo

I graudated studying computer science in 2019, and Iā€™m 21+ years of age.

The only things I definitely know to be true of myself are:

  1. My life goal of supporting artists as much as I can.
  2. My love for character design.
  3. My desire to retire early.

Iā€™m trying to discover myself, and writing to myself appears to be the only thing I can consistently do.

About the website

This blog was built with Astro, using Astro Theme Cactus as a base.

The website is hosted on Neocities. If you want to experiment with HTML/CSS and host your own personal website, I recommend creating your website there. Take back the Internet!